Tag: "apple"

How to improve the mouse speed on Mac OS X

Ok, I've been annoyed by this since the very first day I've been using my Mac Mini: the mouse feels weird, very weird. Broken actually!Part of my problem was the Bluetooth operating range, which I could only fix by moving the mac nearer to where I us… more »

iPod touch: what's missing!

So that new iPod touch that Apple presented today is pretty nifty, isn't it? And Steve's keynote was pretty entertaining too. Yeah well... there's quite a few missing features (no it's not the Beatles) that itch me... even before I lay down the $399 I… more »

Mac OS vs Windows font rendering

I want to recommend this post by Joel Spolski about differences in font rendering philosophy between Mac OS & Windows. I never really understood why Apple failed to render sharp fonts on screen. Now I understand the purpose. I'm still not sure… more »


If you crash your mac: AppleJack! And even if you don't crash your Mac bad, you want AppleJack. Everytime you hard reset/reboot your mac you add a few errors on your hard drive structure. And as time goes by, you get more and more of those turning… more »

How Apple got green overnight...

At Apple's last special event, after introducing the new iPods, Steve Jobs added this: "We've got some new packagings for the new nano as well. And it's 52% less volume. This turns out to be an environmentally great thing. Because it dramatically… more »