Tag: "quote"

Quote of the day - Thinking

“Thinking is the very essence of, and the most difficult thing to do in, business and in life. Empire builders spend hour-after-hour on mental work… while others party.” – David Kekich more »

Quote of the day - Simplicity

“We must strive to reach that simplicity that lies beyond sophistication.” –John Gardner more »

Quote of the day - Educated mistake

"An educated mistake is better than no action at all." -Stuart G. more »

Efficient vs. effective

Guy 1: I am so efficient I can fold 100 parachutes in a hour. Guy 2: I am so effective I can fold 100 parachutes and every single one of them will open right. Would you rather give your parachutes to the efficient or to the effective guy? Now what… more »

Talent to be found in...

“Talent… is most likely to be found among non-conformists, dissenters, and rebels.” – David Ogilvy more »