Category: "Crazy Web"

Internet like heroin

Internet like heroin
Not heroin, I know, but I really didn't want a picture of a needle here! :p

Back in April 2004, I quoted this: [original now unavailable]

"Like heroin, I don't think the internet is one of those things that you can just do casually."
-Rory Blyth

I remember I really agreed with Rory at the time.

Well... now I was about to brag about how I'm over the RSS feed addiction, how I'm over the Facebook feed addiction, how I'm over the twitter feed addiction, how I'm over the Reddit feed... yep I was about to brag... and then it dawned on me: oh how many hours per day I am stuck on YouTube.

Yep... I don't think my use of Youtube is casual any more! :/

"At least I'm learning things"... that's my excuse now... just as it was back then.

PS: I'm not talking about watching "funny videos". I'm talking about learning anything and everything from very knowledgeable people who share their craft, knowledge and wisdom in video form.

Face Your Manga

Face Your Manga

Facing your manga is the hype du jour. This is approximately what I'd look like in an L.A. manga right now... procrastinating on my next haircut! (At this rate I might as well wait I get back to France...)

The Daily Photo Project

This guy has a plan...