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What's MISSING in the MacBook Air...

Once again, Steve Jobs gave one of his legendary keynote addresses and once again he announced a lot a nice to breathtaking products and enhancements. But once again, he left out quite a few details. And once again, I am going to point them out!…...

January 16, 2008 · 4 min · François Planque

About Apple Design

"Apple's design is supposed to be the ultimate perfection in 21st century computing. We should all learn from them." I get that a lot when discussing b2evolution's user interface (which, btw, I like to think has improved significantly in version 2.0.…...

October 12, 2007 · 2 min · François Planque

How to improve the mouse speed on Mac OS X

Ok, I've been annoyed by this since the very first day I've been using my Mac Mini: the mouse feels weird, very weird. Broken actually!Part of my problem was the Bluetooth operating range, which I could only fix by moving the mac nearer to where I us…...

September 16, 2007 · 7 min · François Planque

Mac OS vs Windows font rendering

I want to recommend this post by Joel Spolski about differences in font rendering philosophy between Mac OS & Windows. I never really understood why Apple failed to render sharp fonts on screen. Now I understand the purpose. I'm still not sure…...

June 26, 2007 · 1 min · François Planque

AC3 codec for Intel Mac (Universal)

WOW! All this time I've been running the wrong AC3 codec on my Mac Mini! Last week, I found one that works soooo much better! To find it, I actually had to search for "a52 codec" and not "ac3 codec". Go figure! Intel version (Universal) Original…...

November 25, 2006 · 6 min · François Planque

Mac instead of PC for PHP/Web development?

I have recently put together a new Core 2 duo PC for doing my web development. And I have been asked why I didn't get a Core 2 duo Mac instead... The question definitely makes sense. You can now get essentially the same components into a PC or a Mac.…...

November 17, 2006 · 15 min · François Planque


If you crash your mac: AppleJack! And even if you don't crash your Mac bad, you want AppleJack. Everytime you hard reset/reboot your mac you add a few errors on your hard drive structure. And as time goes by, you get more and more of those turning…

November 11, 2006 · 1 min · François Planque

How Apple got green overnight...

At Apple's last special event, after introducing the new iPods, Steve Jobs added this: "We've got some new packagings for the new nano as well. And it's 52% less volume. This turns out to be an environmentally great thing. Because it dramatically…...

September 30, 2006 · 28 min · François Planque

Apple Mighty Mouse goes wireless... but how far away?

Wireless Mighty Mouse Until now, Apple had a cool mouse called the Mighty Mouse with all the advanced features you'd expect from a mouse (right click, scroll weel... even better: multidirectional scrolling ball)... it just wasn't wireless. Apple also…...

August 2, 2006 · 2 min · François Planque

About Apple Bluetooth

One of my biggest frustrations with the Mac Mini has been using the mouse... the Bluetooth Wireless Mouse actually... The pointer movement just wasn't smooth enough... just not as responsive as it is on Windows... I first blamed it on using PowerPC…...

July 26, 2006 · 3 min · François Planque