Quote of the day - Funeral
No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the weather.
No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the weather.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” – Mark Twain
“The best place to succeed is where you are with what you have.” – Charles Schwab
“Thinking is the very essence of, and the most difficult thing to do in, business and in life. Empire builders spend hour-after-hour on mental work… while others party.” – David Kekich
“Luck affects everything. Let your hook always be cast; in the stream where you least expect it there will be fish.” – Ovid
“We must strive to reach that simplicity that lies beyond sophistication.” –John Gardner
“I always wanted to be somebody. I should have been more specific.” – Lily Tomlin
“Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at once. Lately it doesn’t seem to be working.” –Anonymous
"We're all dealt a different hand in life. All you can do is play the cards you're dealt." - B. Knoblach
I've been meaning to post this for quite a long time. But I guess I needed the excuse of b2evolution's new video plugin to actually do it... In case you haven't seen this yet, watch it! It is so inspiring! Steve Jobs at his best!...