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There's more than the code...

Oh well... I think it's been too long since I last read some great wisdom like the one on Joel on Software. I read this really insightful peace today about all the important things beyond just the actual software code. Here's a funny quote: Human…...

April 11, 2005 · 1 min · François Planque

Offshoring/outsourcing software development

This thread in Ask Joel is the most interesting discussion I've ever read abut offshoring/outsourcing software development! It's getting incredibly long though, so it's really hard to read through. But the first 25 comments are definitely worth…...

June 18, 2004 · 2 min · François Planque

Coder to Developer

From Joel's foreword to Mike Gunderloy's "Coder to Developer": When I got out of the army, I headed off to college and got a degree in Computer Science. Now I really knew everything. I knew more than everything, because I had learned a bunch of…...

May 13, 2004 · 2 min · François Planque

All I want is a damn grep tool!

Is it me or doesn't Windows even include any form of a grep tool? Not even a full grep, but just search and replace of litteral string in files? Not even in recursive, nor in multiple files, just in one damn file? Something I can automate from the…...

April 3, 2004 · 3 min · François Planque

Underrated PHP & SQL

I realized today that PHP's state of corporate underratedness is probably is similar to SQL's state of corporate underuse. You could think it's because these technologies are not object oriented enough... You could also think that they have been so…...

December 21, 2003 · 2 min · François Planque

A little adventure into web dev

My real life has been holding me off from blogging and all that stuff for the last month. However, as I was sick and staying at home for the last two days, as there was nothing on TV (I really oughta get that satellite dish!), I pulled out my…...

November 7, 2003 · 2 min · François Planque

Development is an art!

There are two approaches to development. Some regard it as a science and try to bend every development into a process called "Software Engineering". Others regard it as an art, also known as "coding". :P Unfortunately, the former…...

October 5, 2003 · 1 min · François Planque

Successful Regular Expressions

Via John Lim: Tony Stubblebine has a nice article teaching Five Habits for Successful Regular Expressions [dead links]: What? You can put comments into regexps? Why hasn't anybody said so before? :?: Worse: why isn't anybody actually doing it??? Hum...…...

August 22, 2003 · 1 min · François Planque

Quote of the day - Concurrent development

The truth is that concurrent development is hard. Good SCM tools make it easier, but some people prefer to adopt processes which prevent complexity instead of using tools which help manage complexity. -Eric W. Sink

July 26, 2003 · 1 min · François Planque

Localizing b2evolution

Okay, with the first beta-testers testing b2evolution I am beggining to feel an urgent need to localize the software. I was running most of my pages with french text (like "laisser un commentaire") and the testers want english (that is at least…...

May 20, 2003 · 2 min · François Planque