During this time of the year, when the sky is grey all over the country, French cities actually look best at night. And it's a good thing 'coz I wouldn't have gotten a chance to take those pictures at daytime anyway! ;)
It's funny how many cities I've been to lately... I just wish I had my camera handy more often... I really gotta get one of those camera phones... But they make crappy pictures anyway, so I'm not sure they'd really fit the purpose here... ahh whatever
Comments from long ago:
Comment from: Graham
I saw a Sony camera phone that is 1.3mp that will be out soon…. Not too shabby. Well, better than the crapola cameras they bolt onto phones at the moment…
Oh, you can wodge my surname onto the authours page at b2evo.net if you want… It’s Gilbert.
2004-03-26 22-16