In order to possibly arrange for new hosting a few people have asked for bandwidth and space requirements.
I posted a webalizer bandwidth usage report here.
Regarding diskspace, the site takes approx 10 MB and the mysql databases about 70 MB, however most of this is stats and we can seriously cut down on it if needed.
A few more observations:
- Relatively stable over all weekdays (Wed, Thu, Fri are most busy, Sat least busy).
- Relatively stable over the whole daytime (US afternoon is the most busy).
- Downloads (heavy files) are carried through SourceForge.
- All mysql databases could be melted into one if needed.
Finally, we’ll be glad to carry a banner/logo on the site for the new generous host. ;)
Comments from long ago:
Comment from: nj
Hi, I am Japanese web site Producer.
Now, I and my friend examining whether we can help your hosting probrem.
Are you interested in hosting your b2 things on a server in Japan?
2003-12-13 02-59
Comment from: François PLANQUE
We’re already back online by now… but, sure I would be interested. ;)
Thanks a lot for your support!
2003-12-13 03-12
Comment from: nj
Oh, I’ve post without seeing your newest post…
2003-12-13 06-05