Woops I first spelled it sundaes! :. And that was correct too! :))

Actually, the cool thing about sundays is that the day before is Saturday… and that gives beta testers a lot of time to test b2evolution!

I sure wasn’t expecting that much positive response from all over the world today!

This is really nice! Thank you all for your support. I’m working on rolling out a release ASAP! ;)

Comments from long ago:

Comment from: Isis

You’re off to a great start; the demo is looking good. :) Keep up the good work, and remember to have a sundae once in a while too. ;)

2003-06-03 06-09

Comment from: Graham

I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of b2 evo. Wordpress doesn’t look like much of an improvement over b2 0.61/2…

2003-06-04 19-13

Comment from: Jake

I love Sundays, but that is because church is that day!

2003-06-09 00-35