A converter/bridge from Obsidian to Hugo for Static Website Generation, including foreverlinks redirects for Netlify.

This is super-niche but if you are going to use Obsidian + Hugo + Netlify, this will save you so much time you’ll want to hug me ;)

Why do we need this?

  1. Because Obsidian is great for editing and managing a collection of Markdown files and Hugo is great for generating a static website from Markdown files, BUT:
    • Hugo works best when all your files are named index.md (but in different folders of course) but this makes it über-painful to search and manage your posts/articles in Obsidian. (Non-descriptive filenames… seriously Hugo?)
    • Both tools don’t agree on the exact same flavor of Markdown (e-g: embedding YouTube videos)
    • They don’t agree on the way links should be made from one file to another (the whole index.md thing again)
  2. Hugo can do basic redirects BUT:
    • They are NOT proper 301 redirects (they are JS redirects, which are bad for SEO)
    • They are NOT foreverlinks (they only redirect from a single URL to another single URL, not from */old_slug or */old_slug/ to current_canoncial_URL)
  3. Hugo short tags have limitations (To be addressed in a future version of obsigo)

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