Scientific Studies on the effects of RF-EMF
Here are some scientific studies on the effects of RF-EMF on living things.They all include links to the sources / actual research papers.
Here are some scientific studies on the effects of RF-EMF on living things.They all include links to the sources / actual research papers.
There are plenty of robo-vacuum & robo-mop review on the web, but none of them tests their WiFi implementation and especially, how much they RF they emit, i-e how much they unnecessarily irradiate you while they do their job, and worse: while they are sleeping / charging in the dock.
This guide presents evidence-based strategies to reduce your RF radiation exposure without necessarily giving up the convenience of digital devices — simple, practical adjustments that can help you make informed choices about how you use your devices.
There are any different sources of RF pollution that add up, interfere and produce various undesirable side-effects that you may have underestimated so far...
In our increasingly connected world, we're surrounded by an invisible form of pollution that most people never think about: Radio Frequency (RF) pollution This pollution is often self inflicted and leads to: poor performance, shortened battery life, health impacts, environmental impacts...