Life Lesson from a Neurosurgeon
"I Was An MIT Educated Neurosurgeon. Now I'm Unemployed And Alone In The Mountains. How Did I Get Here?"...
"I Was An MIT Educated Neurosurgeon. Now I'm Unemployed And Alone In The Mountains. How Did I Get Here?"...
Apple has removed that features in Snow Leopard and QuickTime X has no preferences panel to enable this. So you need to go through the command line to get it back... In Terminal, copy/paste: defaults write com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX MGPlayMovieOnOpen…...
Tonight, for the first time, I rented a movie on iTunes...And I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised by the fact the movie came with 2 soundtracks: Stereo & "Surrond".Well, "surround" turns out to be AC3 Dobly Digital and it does work on the Mac…...
I just have to say how much I love the way iMovie '09 handles video files. When you import video, you can save it to any drive connected to your Mac. It will go to a folder named "iMovie Events" on the selected partition. Whenever that partition gets…...
Okay now, sometimes I really feel stuck in south of France when I need to be working with people in Paris! Phone + email was cool until my phone bills rocketed in the past few months... :-/ Recently, I decided, with a couple of business partners, to…...