"Apple's design is supposed to be the ultimate perfection in 21st century computing. We should all learn from them."

I get that a lot when discussing b2evolution’s user interface (which, btw, I like to think has improved significantly in version 2.0…)

While I do like what Apple does; while I do think Jonathan Ive is one of the greatest designers of our time; I still need to rant a little before I dive into the present day :>

So here’s the top 5 user interaction design “mistakes” I would never have made if I has the final word at Apple’s:

  1. A mouse where you never really know when you're going to left or right click, unless you really pay attention;
  2. An iPod that requires up to ten keypresses to exit shuffle mode while listening to a playlist;
  3. A mouse that gives Windows switchers a hard time with no control over acceleration, not even in the most obscure hidden place of the control panel. (Not even from the command line actually);
  4. A wireless keyboard with no numpad (not even an option);
  5. A battery you cannot replace, not even by turning one single screw. (How comes they got that right on the iMacs?)

And I won’t even start with the marketing decisions (leaving a lot of features out of the iPod touch, etc.)

Of course, I’d make a lot more other mistakes, but still… Besides what’s the use of a personal blog if not for pointless rants… :P

Comments from long ago:

Comment from: Brian

I agree with your comments. Apple probably get such respect because other companies don’t care at all, e.g. HP, Dell.

I recently discussed on my blog how their website design has actually gone backwards since 2003. They still have a lot of room for improvement, and could probably do with a bit of competition to get them moving.

What would happen if Dyson made laptops?

2007-10-13 19-27