It was bound to happen [broken linl]. Macromedia’s (well, Adobe’s) Flash player finally evolved into a very complete Virtual Machine. They call it Apollo [Dead link].

It basically solves the same problem Java has tried to solve for years: write once, run anywhere.

Though it’s certainly less mature than Java today, I see several factors that could let Apollo succeed where Java has failed. Among these:

  • It leverages existing developers skills (HTML, Javascript, Flash...) which makes it look much more accessible than Java which only leveraged C++ skills.
  • It's gonna look nice out of the box. Java still looks relatively ugly...
  • With today's computers it's probably going to feel less painful and slow than Java back in 1996...

On the other hand, Sun has recently released Java as Open Source and that’s certainly not a coincidence. I’m not sure what Adobe’s pricing/distribution plans are with Apollo, but it certainly ain’t gonna be as free as open source! :roll: