Corante [broken link] makes a wise point comparing blogs to tamagotchis:

If you don’t feed them, they die. If you don’t clear up their crap - comment spam, for example - they die. They’re more fun when there are other bloggers to play with, just like the new IR connected Tamagotchi are allegedly more fun because your little virtual pet can now interact with other little virtual pets.

One thing I’d like to add though: many people tend to overfeed their blog by posting just as much as they can find time to! Though I’ve never owned a Tamagotchi, I’m pretty sure they die if your overfeed them. So when will bloggers realize that posting 10 times a day will kill their blog?

I don’t think the average blogger can come up with more than one, maybe two, constructive, original and/or interesting ideas a day. Posting more will only dilute your interesting posts in an ocean of ordinary posts and readers will eventually unsubscribe because they don’t have the time to – or just get bored by – reading all that irrelevant stuff…

I don’t even know why I’m suggesting this since virtually all bloggers tend to consider themselves above average anyway!

Something pretty much unrelated, but I must say Corante also got this “shower lucidity” thing sooo right:

Often thinking requires quietude, physical exercise or doing some non-cerebral task. The shower, for example, is a great place for a good think, but opportunities to take a quick shower in the workplace are, well, limited. This is one of the problems that arises when the creative clashes with the corporate - the way that the creative mind functions is often at odds with the work ethic, not to mention environment, of many companies.

Comments from long ago:

Comment from: Jessyca

How do you actually kill your
tamagotchi cause I want twins???

2006-11-30 22-01

Comment from: Lauren

Hi, I have my Tamagotchi on my desk right now
it has 2 pieces of poo right now, I’m trying to
kill it because I know how you can get 5 eggs! Not
just “twins” there can actually be five eggs right
there! It’s kinda sad, when your trying to kill
him because then he starts crying…:( But I
really want 5 eggs.

2006-12-31 00-10