Francois Planque (b2evolution), Matt Mullenweg (WordPress)

Matt from WordPress was holding a casual WordPress meetup in Paris today. I thought I should drop by and say hello… Meet the legend, you know! ;)

(Do you realize WordPress and b2evolution actually both spun off the b2 blog software at the same time?)

It was nice chatting with Matt as well as Tony (Sphere), Xavier (NetVibes), StuFF mc (Pomcast) and the others.

(maybe I should go out more often? … or sleep more, judging by the picture! :roll:)

Comments from long ago:

Comment from: whoo

hahaha thats pretty cool :) Must be nice to be such a jetsetter :P

2007-10-01 00-17

Comment from: dAniel hAhler

Nice one! :p

2007-10-01 00-19

Comment from: stk

All the fun things happen in Paris.


2007-10-01 16-46