The Gartner Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle 2006

This is one of those examples where a picture is worth a thousand words!

Got that from Cedric Giorgi who also points to this PDF from Gartner explaining what the hype cycle is about.

Now, the interesting part is comparing the 2006 hype cycle above with the 2005 hype cycle

I can’t help but wonder:

  • Where the hell did Podcasting go this year? Massive adoption already? You could say that for RSS, but not for podcast. Has it fallen so deep into the out of sight lows that even Gartner did not see it this year?
  • Why did the "semantic web" become the "corporate semantic web"?
  • Are Tablet PCs going to stay at the bottom of the trough of disillusionment forever? (I would say yes!)
  • What happened to the internet micro payments? Gone forever?

Well, I guess the answers may well be in the full report, which you gotta pay big bucks for.

Comments from long ago:

Comment from: louis vuitton handbags

Why did the “semantic web” become the “corporate semantic web”?

2010-09-17 04-20