This was my non-technical blog about being an independent Internet entrepreneur in the 21st century.
Personal productivity, mobility, business, marketing, web tools and some more…
I am “retired” now ;)
This was my non-technical blog about being an independent Internet entrepreneur in the 21st century.
Personal productivity, mobility, business, marketing, web tools and some more…
I am “retired” now ;)
This is one of those examples where a picture is worth a thousand words! Got that from Cedric Giorgi who also points to this PDF from Gartner explaining what the hype cycle is about. Now, the interesting part is comparing the 2006 hype cycle with…...
"Lists and types of bite sized content that offer immediate reward to an attention and time scare audience typically spread further than content which requires more attention. The attention deficit most of us live with is going to constrain the types of…
I recently heard Anil Dash put it in this very simple way: "A blog is a way to connect with people you care about." And it has nothing to do with technology, feeds, etc. It's quite another approach compared to my own (alternative) definition of…...
How do people usually define blogging? They tend to say that it's about organizing posts by reverse chronological order. That it's about writing in the first person. That's it's about being more personal. That's it's a social thing. That it's about…...
Forget squeezing millions from a few megahits at the top of the charts. The future of entertainment is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the bitstream. The long tail
Oh well... I think it's been too long since I last read some great wisdom like the one on Joel on Software. I read this really insightful peace today about all the important things beyond just the actual software code. Here's a funny quote: Human…...
I received the following in a spam, but I thought I was an interesting image: You see a fabulous girl/guy at a party. You approach them and say, "I'm fantastic in bed." That's Direct Marketing. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a…...
Corante [broken link] makes a wise point comparing blogs to tamagotchis: If you don’t feed them, they die. If you don’t clear up their crap - comment spam, for example - they die. They’re more fun when there are other bloggers to play with, just like…...
"If your page is just for you, and it's useless and bad, but you like it, that's fine. Keep it at http://localhost. It'll load faster."
This thread in Ask Joel is the most interesting discussion I've ever read abut offshoring/outsourcing software development! It's getting incredibly long though, so it's really hard to read through. But the first 25 comments are definitely worth…...