I think it was about time I re-skinned this site! 

Since my last post pledging to get rid of the ugliness, I feel I've made some significant progress on b2evolution.net (especially the home page) but this personal site you're looking at right now was really starting to hurt my own eyes! (I can't believe I actually used to be happy with my old design :p)

So today I just decided to "screw it and re-skin it".

I've been procrastinating on this for maybe two years just because I didn't have time (or the energy) to actually re-design it -- meaning: polishing a new design for it. Making it responsive, etc.

So I finally decided to take a shortcut: use another skin I like and make it fit as fast as possible. And sometimes I actually forget how fast this can be done with b2evolution. Once I had uploaded the new skin, it took me about 30 minutes to set up all the menu/navigation widgets so the site navigation makes sense. And voilà.

Of course, there's a million details in this skin that need fixing but I think the improvement is massive already! 30 minutes of work vs. 2 years of procrastination. What a shame! :/

Now, there's a couple interesting thoughts down the road:

  • I just made the 20% of the effort that yields 80% of the benefits;
  • I still have 80% of the work to do to get the details right;
  • Some day this new deisgn will probably feel ugly again... :(
  • How do I prevent letting it slide into ugliness again next time? hum... it feels like I have so many gardens that need constant care... :p

Anyways, Dear Reader, I hope you'll enjoy this site in its new form! :)