Tag: "windows"

Still dreaming about the ideal FTP tool

Besides the basics, there's three simple things I'd expect from an FTP client: Symetrically navigate in subfolders locally and remotely with single clicks;Upload files and overwrite the server side only if the local file is newer;Search the server f… more »

Mac instead of PC for PHP/Web development?

I have recently put together a new Core 2 duo PC for doing my web development. And I have been asked why I didn't get a Core 2 duo Mac instead... The question definitely makes sense. You can now get essentially the same components into a PC or a Mac.… more »

Installing & Securing Windows XP (is a tedious task...)

Moving in is such a boring thing to do. Almost as much as moving out. You waste time reinstalling everything you had before, but in different places. You also realize some items don't fit their purpose anymore or don't fit into your new place at all...… more »