Tag: "apple"

How to improve the mouse speed on Mac OS X

Ok, I've been annoyed by this since the very first day I've been using my Mac Mini: the mouse feels weird, very weird. Broken actually!Part of my problem was the Bluetooth operating range, which I could only fix by moving the mac nearer to where I us… more »

iPod touch: what's missing!

So that new iPod touch that Apple presented today is pretty nifty, isn't it? And Steve's keynote was pretty entertaining too. Yeah well... there's quite a few missing features (no it's not the Beatles) that itch me... even before I lay down the $399 I… more »

Mac OS vs Windows font rendering

I want to recommend this post by Joel Spolski about differences in font rendering philosophy between Mac OS & Windows. I never really understood why Apple failed to render sharp fonts on screen. Now I understand the purpose. I'm still not sure… more »

The truth about Safari for Windows

The truth about Safari for Windows
Everybody's talking about Apple's release of their Safari web browser for Windows. And everybody's speculating about how Apple needs to convince Windows developers to make their sites iPhone compatible (the iPhone includes Safari) or how Apple wants to… more »


If you crash your mac: AppleJack! And even if you don't crash your Mac bad, you want AppleJack. Everytime you hard reset/reboot your mac you add a few errors on your hard drive structure. And as time goes by, you get more and more of those turning… more »