Category: "b2evolution"

God I love sundays!

Woops I first spelled it sundaes! :. And that was correct too! :))

Actually, the cool thing about sundays is that the day before is Saturday... and that gives beta testers a lot of time to test b2evolution!

I sure wasn't expecting that much positive response from all over the world today!

This is really nice! Thank you all for your support. I'm working on rolling out a release ASAP! ;)

Clean permalinks coming closer

You know, I'm on a mission for clean permalinks !

Well, they're comming closer... Today I implemented them in the trackback/pingback code so that when excerpts of a b2evolution blog appear on another site, they appear with a clean URL there too. :D

Sounds like a small job, but believe me, dealing with the pingback code was no picnic! :-/

mySQL 3.23 is making me sick!

  • No referential integrity
  • No transactions (at least not enabled by default so hosting providers would have them)
  • No subqueries in DELETE statements
  • No UNION statement (can you believe it?)
  • and of course no triggers of any kind...

Not that I think mySQL is a bad thing... just that I don't understand how this can be called 3.23! Actually, 0.3.23 would be more appropriate! :>>

I'm so close to making 0.4 (some call it 4.0 :>>) a requirement for b2evolution!

Clean permalinks on the way

Okay, as I have said before, permalinks should point to single posts. I have implemented this into b2evolution today.

New permalinks look like They link to a single post, including its comments, trackbacks and pingbacks.

I also took the opportunity to make them look cleaner using URL extra path info instead of a querystring. Later, I will also remove the post-number at the end and replace it with something more significant and less "crufty" as mpt would say [broken link]! ;)

News from the b2 world

Michel Valdrighi, the creator of the great b2, just posted some news today... after more than 6 months of silence... This is pretty good news to a lot of us who were getting really worried about him.

Welcome back to blogworld Michel! :) Hope you're doing fine despite your employment issues. :|

Regarding the future of b2, it seems that Michel plans to leave it up to WordPress, which is pretty good news too. WordPress seems all clean to me! ;)

What does that mean regarding my own b2evolution? Well... don't know precisely yet, except that I am running it here and that I still want more (much more:!:) than WordPress announces for their upcomming release... :P

Stay tuned ;)